About my instructor

Hello! My name is Alicia Pappalardo. I am originally from Massachusettes. I moved to Florida to attend college at the University of Central Florida. There I received my degree in Early Childhood Education. After college I taught Kindergarten for 20 years. I moved to Cape Coral in 2016 with my husband. Since then, we have had 3 children. We have a 6 year old boy and 3 year old boy girl twins. Joey, our oldest, has attended ISR lessons since he was 1 and the twins, Lyla and Noah, have attended lessons since they were 7 months old. Like all ISR instructors, my passion is to see that ‘NOT ONE MORE CHILD DROWNS”.

I wanted to become an ISR instructor after watching my 12 month old daughter fall into the pool at a birthday party. She immediately rolled back to float and continued floating on her back calmly until I lifted her out. At that moment I knew I had made the right choice in enrolling them in lessons. Every minute we spent driving to lessons and attending lessons was made worth it in that fraction of a minute.

Is your instructor an isr certified instructor?

All certified ISR instructors have been interviewed, background checked, and have undergone an extensive 6 week in-water training program with a Certified ISR Master Instructor or Senior Master Instructor. We have continuous academic training which includes areas such as child psychology, physiological behaviourism and development, early childhood education, anatomy, and physics. We are required to possess liability insurance and current CPR certification. We are required to re-certify with ISR yearly. We also have the following:

  • An email address ending in @infantswim.com

  • Can provide parents with a copy of their current ISR certificate for review

  • Offer lessons 5 consecutive days per week, for a maximum of 10 minutes per day

  • Will require your child to be registered through ISR’s Online Registration Process and approved to begin lessons by our Registration Evaluation Team

  • Can be found on the instructor locator at www.infantswim.com